CIBERTEC Niprem 645 Non Invasive Blood Pressure System
For blood pressure parameter measurement Niprem 645 is based on the same basics used for humans for long time: to interrupt, by means of applying an external pressure...
CIBERTEC Restrainer Heater
Cibertec Restrainer Heater provides a comfortable and heated environment necessary to produce peripheral vasodilatation and isolate the animal from...
CIBERTEC RTC-1 Thermo Controller Blanket System (low noise)
The Cibertec RTC-1 Thermo Controller for homoeothermic blanket version allows the user to maintain the body temperature of a small laboratory animals to a certain...
CIBERTEC Serie CE10 Restrainer
The CIBERTEC serie CE10 restrainer for small animals allows them to be immobilized freeing the whole tail to be available for introducing a pulse...
CIBERTEC Serie CO10 Restrainer
The CIBERTEC serie CO10 restrainer for small animals allows them to be immobilized freeing the whole tail. The restrainer are manufactured from...
RTC-1 Thermo Controller Surgery Table (low noise)
The Cibertec RTC-1 Thermo Controller for homoeothermic surgery table version allows the user to maintain the body temperature of a small laboratory animals to a certain...