CIBERTEC Niprem 645 Non Invasive Blood Pressure System
For blood pressure parameter measurement Niprem 645 is based on the same basics used for humans for long time: to interrupt, by means of applying an external pressure in a part of the body, the blood circulation, then pressure is gradually decreased in the same time the heart pulse start is checked.
This measurement method is very simple in humans but in small animal, using its tail for measurement, the difficulties increases. This complexity is due to tail pulse small magnitude, which sometimes it is hidden by “noise” due animal movement and specially to the regulation of tail blood circulation the animal is able to perform by itself.
Therefore the performance and precision of systems for blood pressure parameters calculation on a small animal tail is proportional to the kind of design of the pulse sensor and the measurement conditions.
In order to prevent errors in the measurement due to present noise, both signals (pressure and pulse) are processed and displayed by the NIPREM 645 software (included). The researcher can examine both signals and determine when the pulse starts and automatically software registers the value.
Niprem 645 operation is very simple: Once animal vasodilatation is accomplished, tail pulse sensor and pressure cuff are inserted in the tail and when real time pulse signal is shown, start button has to be pressed. Then pressure inflate-deflate cycle and data registration is automatically performed. Data file is saved and can be analyzed later.
There are different pressure cuff and pulse sensor sizes available in order to cover different animal weight.