CIBERTEC Conditioning Operant Chamber to Rabbits
The CIBERTEC Operant chamber to rabbits is a modular experimental enclosure designed to conduct operant conditioning procedures.
The lateral walls allow complete disassembling or rearrangement to up to 12 operant modules (levers, sound, lights, dispensers, electrical shock…..).
The link box where all modules are linked is connected to a rack which allows attaching multiple rabbits chambers. This rack is connected to the PC via PCI card and the well-known software MED PC-IV manages and recorders the conditioned behavior experiments.
- Modular system (up to 12 modules)
- Multiple chambers synchronize
- External dimensions: 600 x 780 mm; 1000 mm (height)
- Easy cleaning:
o Removable floor grip
o Waste collection tray
- Aluminum material in order to avoid electrostatic charges and to lower its weight